Source code for keras_gym.caching.short_term

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import deque
from itertools import islice

import numpy as np

from ..base.errors import InsufficientCacheError, EpisodeDoneError
from ..base.mixins import ActionSpaceMixin

__all__ = (

class BaseShortTermCache(ABC, ActionSpaceMixin):
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env

    def add(self, s, a, r, done):
        Add a transition to the experience cache.

        s : state observation

            A single state observation.

        a : action

            A single action.

        r : float

            A single observed reward.

        done : bool

            Whether the episode has finished.


    def pop(self):
        Pop a single transition from the cache.



    def flush(self):
        Flush all transitions from the cache.



    def reset(self):
        Reset the cache to the initial state.


[docs]class NStepCache(BaseShortTermCache): """ A convenient helper class for n-step bootstrapping. Parameters ---------- env : gym environment The main gym environment. This is needed to determine ``num_actions``. n : positive int The number of steps over which to bootstrap. gamma : float between 0 and 1 The amount by which to discount future rewards. """ def __init__(self, env, n, gamma): super().__init__(env) self.n = int(n) self.gamma = float(gamma) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._deque_sa = deque([]) self._deque_r = deque([]) self._done = False self._gammas = np.power(self.gamma, np.arange(self.n)) self._gamman = np.power(self.gamma, self.n)
[docs] def add(self, s, a, r, done): if self._done and len(self): raise EpisodeDoneError( "please flush cache (or repeatedly call popleft) before " "appending new transitions") if self.action_space_is_discrete: a = self._one_hot_encode_discrete(a) self._deque_sa.append((s, a)) self._deque_r.append(r) self._done = bool(done)
def __len__(self): return len(self._deque_sa) def __bool__(self): return bool(len(self)) and (self._done or len(self) > self.n)
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pop a single transition from the cache. Returns ------- S, A, Rn, In, S_next, A_next : tuple of arrays, batch_size=1 The returned tuple represents a batch of preprocessed transitions: (:term:`S`, :term:`A`, :term:`Rn`, :term:`In`, :term:`S_next`, :term:`A_next`) These are typically used for bootstrapped updates, e.g. minimizing the bootstrapped MSE: .. math:: \\left( R^{(n)}_t + I^{(n)}_t\\,Q(S_{t+n},A_{t+n}) - Q(S_t,A_t) \\right)^2 """ # noqa: E501 if not self: raise InsufficientCacheError( "cache needs to receive more transitions before it can be " "popped from") # pop state-action (propensities) pair s, a = self._deque_sa.popleft() # n-step partial return zipped = zip(self._gammas, self._deque_r) rn = sum(x * r for x, r in islice(zipped, self.n)) self._deque_r.popleft() # keep in mind that we've already popped (s, a) if len(self) >= self.n: s_next, a_next = self._deque_sa[self.n - 1] i_next = self._gamman else: s_next, a_next, i_next = s, a, 0. # no more bootstrapping S = np.array([s]) A = np.array([a]) Rn = np.array([rn]) In = np.array([i_next]) S_next = np.array([s_next]) A_next = np.array([a_next]) return S, A, Rn, In, S_next, A_next # batch_size=1
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush all transitions from the cache. Returns ------- S, A, Rn, In, S_next, A_next : tuple of arrays The returned tuple represents a batch of preprocessed transitions: (:term:`S`, :term:`A`, :term:`Rn`, :term:`In`, :term:`S_next`, :term:`A_next`) These are typically used for bootstrapped updates, e.g. minimizing the bootstrapped MSE: .. math:: \\left( R^{(n)}_t + I^{(n)}_t\\,Q(S_{t+n},A_{t+n}) - Q(S_t,A_t) \\right)^2 """ # noqa: E501 if not self: raise InsufficientCacheError( "cache needs to receive more transitions before it can be " "flushed") S = [] A = [] Rn = [] In = [] S_next = [] A_next = [] while self: s, a, gn, i_next, s_next, a_next = self.pop() S.append(s[0]) A.append(a[0]) Rn.append(gn[0]) In.append(i_next[0]) S_next.append(s_next[0]) A_next.append(a_next[0]) S = np.stack(S, axis=0) A = np.stack(A, axis=0) Rn = np.stack(Rn, axis=0) In = np.stack(In, axis=0) S_next = np.stack(S_next, axis=0) A_next = np.stack(A_next, axis=0) return S, A, Rn, In, S_next, A_next
[docs]class MonteCarloCache(BaseShortTermCache): def __init__(self, env, gamma): super().__init__(env) self.gamma = float(gamma) self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._list = [] self._done = False self._g = 0 # accumulator for return
[docs] def add(self, s, a, r, done): if self._done and len(self): raise EpisodeDoneError( "please flush cache (or repeatedly pop) before appending new " "transitions") if self.action_space_is_discrete: a = self._one_hot_encode_discrete(a) self._list.append((s, a, r)) self._done = bool(done) if done: self._g = 0. # init return
def __len__(self): return len(self._list) def __bool__(self): return bool(len(self)) and self._done
[docs] def pop(self): """ Pop a single transition from the cache. Returns ------- S, A, G : tuple of arrays, batch_size=1 The returned tuple represents a batch of preprocessed transitions: (:term:`S`, :term:`A`, :term:`G`) """ if not self: if not len(self): raise InsufficientCacheError( "cache needs to receive more transitions before it can be " "popped from") else: raise InsufficientCacheError( "cannot pop from cache before before receiving done=True") # pop state-action (propensities) pair s, a, r = self._list.pop() # update return self._g = r + self.gamma * self._g S = np.array([s]) A = np.array([a]) G = np.array([self._g]) return S, A, G # batch_size=1
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush all transitions from the cache. Returns ------- S, A, G : tuple of arrays The returned tuple represents a batch of preprocessed transitions: (:term:`S`, :term:`A`, :term:`G`) """ if not self: if not len(self): raise InsufficientCacheError( "cache needs to receive more transitions before it can be " "flushed") else: raise InsufficientCacheError( "cannot flush cache before before receiving done=True") S = [] A = [] G = [] while self: s, a, g = self.pop() S.append(s[0]) A.append(a[0]) G.append(g[0]) S = np.stack(S, axis=0) A = np.stack(A, axis=0) G = np.stack(G, axis=0) return S, A, G