Source code for keras_gym.policies.special

import numpy as np

from ..base.errors import UnavailableActionError, ActionSpaceError
from ..base.mixins import RandomStateMixin, ActionSpaceMixin
from ..policies.base import BasePolicy

__all__ = (

[docs]class RandomPolicy(BasePolicy, RandomStateMixin, ActionSpaceMixin): """ Value-based policy to select actions using epsilon-greedy strategy. Parameters ---------- env : gym environment The gym environment is used to sample from the action space. random_seed : int, optional Sets the random state to get reproducible results. """ def __init__(self, env, random_seed=None): self.env = env self.random_seed = random_seed # sets self.random in RandomStateMixin
[docs] def __call__(self, s): return self.env.action_space.sample()
[docs] def greedy(self, s): return self(s)
[docs] def dist_params(self, s): if self.action_space_is_discrete: return np.ones(self.num_actions) / self.num_actions if self.action_space_is_box: mu = np.zeros(self.actions_ndim) # zero mean logvar = 10 * np.ones(self.actions_ndim) # large variance return mu, logvar raise ActionSpaceError( "method RandomPolicy.dist_params() is not yet implemented for " "action spaces of type: {}" .format(self.env.action_space.__class__.__name__))
[docs]class UserInputPolicy(BasePolicy, ActionSpaceMixin): """ A policy that prompts the user to take an action. Parameters ---------- env : gym environment The gym environment is used to sample from the action space. render_before_prompt : bool, optional Whether to render the env before prompting the user to pick an action. """ def __init__(self, env, render_before_prompt=False): self.env = env self.render_before_prompt = bool(render_before_prompt)
[docs] def __call__(self, s): actions = ", ".join(map(str, range(self.num_actions))) if self.render_before_prompt: self.env.render() for attempt in range(1, 4): # 3 attempts try: a = input("Pick action from {{{}}}: ".format(actions)) return int(a) except ValueError: print( "ValueError: invalid action, try again (attempt {:d} of 3)" "...".format(attempt)) raise UnavailableActionError("a = {}".format(a))
[docs] def greedy(self, s): return self(s)
def dist_params(self, s): raise NotImplementedError('UserInputPolicy.dist_params') dist_params.__doc__ = ""