Source code for keras_gym.utils.tensor

import gym
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.backend as K
import scipy.linalg

from ..base.errors import TensorCheckError, SpaceError

__all__ = (

[docs]def box_to_unit_interval_tf(tensor, space): """ Rescale Tensor values from Box space to the unit interval. This is essentially just min-max scaling: .. math:: x\\ \\mapsto\\ \\frac{x-x_\\text{low}}{x_\\text{high}-x_\\text{low}} Parameters ---------- tensor : nd Tensor A tensor containing a single instance or a batch of elements of a Box space. space : gym.spaces.Box The Box space. This is needed to determine the shape and size of the space. Returns ------- out : nd Tensor, same shape as input A Tensor with the transformed values. The output values lie on the unit interval :math:`[0,1]`. """ tensor, lo, hi = _get_box_bounds(tensor, space) return (tensor - lo) / (hi - lo)
[docs]def box_to_reals_tf(tensor, space, epsilon=1e-15): """ Transform Tensor values from a Box space to the reals. This is done by first mapping the Box values to the unit interval :math:`x\\in[0, 1]` and then feeding it to the :func:`clipped_logit_tf` function. Parameters ---------- tensor : nd Tensor A tensor containing a single instance or a batch of elements of a Box space. space : gym.spaces.Box The Box space. This is needed to determine the shape and size of the space. epsilon : float, optional The cut-off value used by :func:`clipped_logit_tf`. Returns ------- out : nd Tensor, same shape as input A Tensor with the transformed values. The output values are real-valued. """ return clipped_logit_tf(box_to_unit_interval_tf(tensor, space), epsilon)
[docs]def check_tensor( tensor, ndim=None, ndim_min=None, dtype=None, same_dtype_as=None, same_shape_as=None, same_as=None, int_shape=None, axis_size=None, axis=None): # noqa: E501 """ This helper function is mostly for internal use. It is used to check a few common properties of a Tensor. Parameters ---------- ndim : int or list of ints Check ``K.ndim(tensor)``. ndim_min : int Check if ``K.ndim(tensor)`` is at least ``ndim_min``. dtype : Tensor dtype or list of Tensor dtypes Check ``tensor.dtype``. same_dtype_as : Tensor Check if dtypes match. same_shape_as : Tensor Check if shapes match. same_as : Tensor Check if both dtypes and shapes match. int_shape : tuple of ints Check ``K.int_shape(tensor)``. axis_size : int Check size along axis, where axis is specified by ``axis=...`` kwarg. axis : int The axis the check for size. Raises ------ TensorCheckError If one of the checks fails, it raises a :class:`TensorCheckError`. """ if not tf.is_tensor(tensor): raise TensorCheckError( "expected input to be a Tensor, got type: {}" .format(type(tensor))) if same_as is not None: assert tf.is_tensor(same_as), "not a tensor" same_dtype_as = same_as same_shape_as = same_as if same_dtype_as is not None: assert tf.is_tensor(same_dtype_as), "not a tensor" dtype = K.dtype(same_dtype_as) if same_shape_as is not None: assert tf.is_tensor(same_shape_as), "not a tensor" int_shape = K.int_shape(same_shape_as) check = ndim is not None ndims = [ndim] if not isinstance(ndim, (list, tuple, set)) else ndim if check and K.ndim(tensor) not in ndims: raise TensorCheckError( "expected input with ndim(s) equal to {}, got ndim: {}" .format(ndim, K.ndim(tensor))) check = ndim_min is not None if check and K.ndim(tensor) < ndim_min: raise TensorCheckError( "expected input with ndim at least {}, got ndim: {}" .format(ndim_min, K.ndim(tensor))) check = dtype is not None dtypes = [dtype] if not isinstance(dtype, (list, tuple, set)) else dtype if check and K.dtype(tensor) not in dtypes: raise TensorCheckError( "expected input with dtype(s) {}, got dtype: {}" .format(dtype, K.dtype(tensor))) check = int_shape is not None if check and K.int_shape(tensor) != int_shape: raise TensorCheckError( "expected input with shape {}, got shape: {}" .format(int_shape, K.int_shape(tensor))) check = axis_size is not None and axis is not None if check and K.int_shape(tensor)[axis] != axis_size: raise TensorCheckError( "expected input with size {} along axis {}, got shape: {}" .format(axis_size, axis, K.int_shape(tensor)))
def clipped_logit_tf(x, epsilon=1e-15): """ A safe implementation of the logit function :math:`x\\mapsto\\log(x/(1-x))`. It clips the arguments of the log function from below so as to avoid evaluating it at 0: .. math:: \\text{logit}_\\epsilon(x)\\ =\\ \\log(\\max(\\epsilon, x)) - \\log(\\max(\\epsilon, 1 - x)) Parameters ---------- x : nd Tensor Input tensor whose entries lie on the unit interval, :math:`x_i\\in [0,1]`. epsilon : float, optional The small number with which to clip the arguments of the logarithm from below. Returns ------- z : nd Tensor, dtype: float, shape: same as input The output logits whose entries lie on the real line, :math:`z_i\\in\\mathbb{R}`. """ return K.log(K.maximum(epsilon, x)) - K.log(K.maximum(epsilon, 1 - x))
[docs]def diff_transform_matrix(num_frames, dtype='float32'): """ A helper function that implements discrete differentiation for stacked state observations. Let's say we have a feature vector :math:`X` consisting of four stacked frames, i.e. the shape would be: ``[batch_size, height, width, 4]``. The corresponding diff-transform matrix with ``num_frames=4`` is a :math:`4\\times 4` matrix given by: .. math:: M_\\text{diff}^{(4)}\\ =\\ \\begin{pmatrix} -1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\\\ 3 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\\\ -3 & -2 & -1 & 0 \\\\ 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\end{pmatrix} such that the diff-transformed feature vector is readily computed as: .. math:: X_\\text{diff}\\ =\\ X\\, M_\\text{diff}^{(4)} The diff-transformation preserves the shape, but it reorganizes the frames in such a way that they look more like canonical variables. You can think of :math:`X_\\text{diff}` as the stacked variables :math:`x`, :math:`\\dot{x}`, :math:`\\ddot{x}`, etc. (in reverse order). These represent the position, velocity, acceleration, etc. of pixels in a single frame. Parameters ---------- num_frames : positive int The number of stacked frames in the original :math:`X`. dtype : keras dtype, optional The output data type. Returns ------- M : 2d-Tensor, shape: [num_frames, num_frames] A square matrix that is intended to be multiplied from the left, e.g. ``X_diff =, M)``, where we assume that the frames are stacked in ``axis=-1`` of ``X_orig``, in chronological order. """ assert isinstance(num_frames, int) and num_frames >= 1 s = np.diag(np.power(-1, np.arange(num_frames))) # alternating sign m =, kind='upper'))[::-1, ::-1] return K.constant(m, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def log_softmax_tf(Z, axis=-1): """ Compute the log-softmax. **Note:** This is the *tensorflow* implementation. Parameters ---------- Z : Tensor The input logits. axis : int, optional The axis along which to normalize, default is 0. Returns ------- out : Tensor of same shape as input The entries may be interpreted as log-probabilities. """ check_tensor(Z) Z = Z - K.mean(Z, axis=axis, keepdims=True) # center before clipping Z = K.clip(Z, -30, 30) # avoid overflow before exp log_P = Z - K.log(K.sum(K.exp(Z), axis=axis, keepdims=True)) return log_P
[docs]def project_onto_actions_tf(Y, A): """ Project tensor onto specific actions taken: **tensorflow** implementation. **Note**: This only applies to discrete action spaces. Parameters ---------- Y : 2d Tensor, shape: [batch_size, num_actions] The tensor to project down. A : 1d Tensor, shape: [batch_size] The batch of actions used to project. Returns ------- Y_projected : 1d Tensor, shape: [batch_size] The tensor projected onto the actions taken. """ # *note* Please let me know if there's a better way to do this. batch_size = tf.cast(K.shape(A)[0], tf.int64) idx = tf.range(batch_size, dtype=A.dtype) indices = tf.stack([idx, A], axis=1) Y_projected = tf.gather_nd(Y, indices) # shape: [batch_size] return Y_projected
def reals_to_box_tf(tensor, space): """ Transform Tensor values from the reals to a Box space. This is done by first applying the logistic sigmoid to map the reals onto the unit interval and then applying :func:`unit_interval_to_box_tf` to rescale to the Box space. Parameters ---------- tensor : nd Tensor A tensor containing a single instance or a batch of elements of a Box space, encoded as logits. space : gym.spaces.Box The Box space. This is needed to determine the shape and size of the space. Returns ------- out : nd Tensor, same shape as input A Tensor with the transformed values. The output values are contained in the provided Box space. """ return unit_interval_to_box_tf(K.sigmoid(tensor), space)
[docs]def unit_interval_to_box_tf(tensor, space): """ Rescale Tensor values from the unit interval to a Box space. This is essentially `inverted` min-max scaling: .. math:: x\\ \\mapsto\\ x_\\text{low} + (x_\\text{high} - x_\\text{low})\\,x Parameters ---------- tensor : nd Tensor A numpy array containing a single instance or a batch of elements of a Box space, scaled to the unit interval. space : gym.spaces.Box The Box space. This is needed to determine the shape and size of the space. Returns ------- out : nd Tensor, same shape as input A Tensor with the transformed values. The output values are contained in the provided Box space. """ arr, lo, hi = _get_box_bounds(tensor, space) return lo + (hi - lo) * arr
def _get_box_bounds(tensor, space): check_tensor(tensor, dtype=('float32', 'float64')) if not isinstance(space, gym.spaces.Box): raise SpaceError("space must be a Box") # prepare box bounds lo = K.constant(space.low, dtype=tensor.dtype) hi = K.constant(space.high, dtype=tensor.dtype) if K.ndim(tensor) == K.ndim(lo) + 1: shape = K.int_shape(tensor)[1:] lo = K.expand_dims(lo, axis=0) hi = K.expand_dims(hi, axis=0) else: shape = K.int_shape(tensor) if shape != K.int_shape(lo) or shape != K.int_shape(hi): SpaceError("tensor shape is incompatible with the Box space") return tensor, lo, hi