Source code for keras_gym.wrappers.box_spaces

import gym
import numpy as np

from ..base.errors import ActionSpaceError
from ..base.mixins import ActionSpaceMixin, AddOrigToInfoDictMixin
from ..utils import reals_to_box_np

__all__ = (

[docs]class BoxActionsToReals(gym.Wrapper, ActionSpaceMixin, AddOrigToInfoDictMixin): """ This wrapper decompactifies a :class:`Box <gym.spaces.Box>` action space to the reals. This is required in order to be able to use a :class:`GaussianPolicy <keras_gym.GaussianPolicy>`. In practice, the wrapped environment expects the input action :math:`a_\\text{real}\\in\\mathbb{R}^n` and then it compactifies it back to a Box of the right size: .. math:: a_\\text{box}\\ =\\ \\text{low} + (\\text{high}-\\text{low}) \\times\\text{sigmoid}(a_\\text{real}) Technically, the transformed space is still a Box, but that's only because we assume that the values lie between large but finite bounds, :math:`a_\\text{real}\\in[10^{-15}, 10^{15}]^n`. """ def __init__(self, env): super().__init__(env) shape = self.env.action_space.shape dtype = self.env.action_space.dtype self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box( low=np.full(shape, -1e15, dtype), high=np.full(shape, 1e15, dtype)) if not self.action_space_is_box: raise ActionSpaceError( "BoxActionsToReals is only implemented for Box action spaces")
[docs] def step(self, a): assert self.action_space.contains(a) self._a_orig = reals_to_box_np(a, self.env.action_space) s_next, r, done, info = super().step(self._a_orig) self._add_a_orig_to_info_dict(info) return s_next, r, done, info