Updateable Policies

keras_gym.GaussianPolicy An updateable policy for environments with a continuous action space, i.e.
keras_gym.SoftmaxPolicy Updateable policy for discrete action spaces.
class keras_gym.GaussianPolicy(function_approximator, update_strategy='vanilla', ppo_clip_eps=0.2, entropy_beta=0.01, random_seed=None)[source]

An updateable policy for environments with a continuous action space, i.e. a Box. It models the policy \(\pi_\theta(a|s)\) as a normal distribution with conditional parameters \((\mu_\theta(s), \sigma_\theta(s))\).


This environment requires that the env is with:

env = km.wrappers.BoxToReals(env)

This wrapper decompactifies the Box action space.

function_approximator : FunctionApproximator object

The main function approximator.

update_strategy : str, optional

The strategy for updating our policy. This typically determines the loss function that we use for our policy function approximator.

Options are:


Plain vanilla policy gradient. The corresponding (surrogate) loss function that we use is:

\[J(\theta)\ =\ \hat{\mathbb{E}}_t \left\{ -\mathcal{A}_t\,\log\pi_\theta(A_t|S_t) \right\}\]

where \(\mathcal{A}_t=\mathcal{A}(S_t,A_t)\) is the advantage at time step \(t\).


Proximal policy optimization uses a clipped proximal loss:

\[J(\theta)\ =\ \hat{\mathbb{E}}_t \left\{ \min\Big( \rho_t(\theta)\,\mathcal{A}_t\,,\ \tilde{\rho}_t(\theta)\,\mathcal{A}_t \Big) \right\}\]

where \(\rho_t(\theta)\) is the probability ratio:

\[\rho_t(\theta)\ =\ \frac {\pi_\theta(A_t|S_t)} {\pi_{\theta_\text{old}}(A_t|S_t)}\]

and \(\tilde{\rho}_t(\theta)\) is its clipped version:

\[\tilde{\rho}_t(\theta)\ =\ \text{clip}\big( \rho_t(\theta), 1-\epsilon, 1+\epsilon\big)\]

Straightforward categorical cross-entropy (from logits). This loss function does not make use of the advantages Adv. Instead, it minimizes the cross entropy between the behavior policy \(\pi_b(a|s)\) and the learned policy \(\pi_\theta(a|s)\):

\[J(\theta)\ =\ \hat{\mathbb{E}}_t\left\{ -\sum_a \pi_b(a|S_t)\, \log \pi_\theta(a|S_t) \right\}\]
ppo_clip_eps : float, optional

The clipping parameter \(\epsilon\) in the PPO clipped surrogate loss. This option is only applicable if update_strategy='ppo'.

entropy_beta : float, optional

The coefficient of the entropy bonus term in the policy objective.

__call__(self, s, use_target_model=False)

Draw an action from the current policy \(\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

a : action

A single action proposed under the current policy.

batch_eval(self, S, use_target_model=False)

Evaluate the policy on a batch of state observations.

S : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of state observations.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

A : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of sampled actions.

batch_update(self, S, A, Adv)

Update the policy on a batch of transitions.

S : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of state observations.

A : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of actions taken by the behavior policy.

Adv : 1d array, dtype: float, shape: [batch_size]

A value for the advantage \(\mathcal{A}(s,a) = q(s,a) - v(s)\). This might be sampled and/or estimated version of the true advantage.

losses : dict

A dict of losses/metrics, of type {name <str>: value <float>}.

dist_params(self, s, use_target_model=False)

Get the parameters of the (conditional) probability distribution \(\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

*params : tuple of arrays

The raw distribution parameters.

greedy(self, s, use_target_model=False)

Draw the greedy action, i.e. \(\arg\max_a\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

a : action

A single action proposed under the current policy.

policy_loss_with_metrics(self, Adv, A=None)

This method constructs the policy loss as a scalar-valued Tensor, together with a dictionary of metrics (also scalars).

This method may be overridden to construct a custom policy loss and/or to change the accompanying metrics.

Adv : 1d Tensor, shape: [batch_size]

A batch of advantages.

A : nd Tensor, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of actions taken under the behavior policy. For some choices of policy loss, e.g. update_strategy='sac' this input is ignored.

loss, metrics : (Tensor, dict of Tensors)

The policy loss along with some metrics, which is a dict of type {name <str>: metric <Tensor>}. The loss and each of the metrics (dict values) are scalar Tensors, i.e. Tensors with ndim=0.

The loss is passed to a keras Model using train_model.add_loss(loss). Similarly, each metric in the metric dict is passed to the model using train_model.add_metric(metric, name=name, aggregation='mean').

sync_target_model(self, tau=1.0)

Synchronize the target model with the primary model.

tau : float between 0 and 1, optional

The amount of exponential smoothing to apply in the target update:

\[w_\text{target}\ \leftarrow\ (1 - \tau)\,w_\text{target} + \tau\,w_\text{primary}\]
update(self, s, a, advantage)

Update the policy.

s : state observation

A single state observation.

a : action

A single action.

advantage : float

A value for the advantage \(\mathcal{A}(s,a) = q(s,a) - v(s)\). This might be sampled and/or estimated version of the true advantage.

class keras_gym.SoftmaxPolicy(function_approximator, update_strategy='vanilla', ppo_clip_eps=0.2, entropy_beta=0.01, random_seed=None)[source]

Updateable policy for discrete action spaces.

function_approximator : FunctionApproximator object

The main function approximator.

update_strategy : str, callable, optional

The strategy for updating our policy. This determines the loss function that we use for our policy function approximator. If you wish to use a custom policy loss, you can override the policy_loss_with_metrics() method.

Provided options are:


Plain vanilla policy gradient. The corresponding (surrogate) loss function that we use is:

\[J(\theta)\ =\ -\mathcal{A}(s,a)\,\ln\pi(a|s,\theta)\]

Proximal policy optimization uses a clipped proximal loss:

\[J(\theta)\ =\ \min\Big( r(\theta)\,\mathcal{A}(s,a)\,,\ \text{clip}\big( r(\theta), 1-\epsilon, 1+\epsilon\big) \,\mathcal{A}(s,a)\Big)\]

where \(r(\theta)\) is the probability ratio:

\[r(\theta)\ =\ \frac {\pi(a|s,\theta)} {\pi(a|s,\theta_\text{old})}\]

Straightforward categorical cross-entropy (from logits). This loss function does not make use of the advantages Adv. Instead, it minimizes the cross entropy between the behavior policy \(\pi_b(a|s)\) and the learned policy \(\pi_\theta(a|s)\):

\[J(\theta)\ =\ \hat{\mathbb{E}}_t\left\{ -\sum_a \pi_b(a|S_t)\, \log \pi_\theta(a|S_t) \right\}\]
ppo_clip_eps : float, optional

The clipping parameter \(\epsilon\) in the PPO clipped surrogate loss. This option is only applicable if update_strategy='ppo'.

entropy_beta : float, optional

The coefficient of the entropy bonus term in the policy objective.

random_seed : int, optional

Sets the random state to get reproducible results.

__call__(self, s, use_target_model=False)[source]

Draw an action from the current policy \(\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

a : action

A single action proposed under the current policy.

batch_eval(self, S, use_target_model=False)

Evaluate the policy on a batch of state observations.

S : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of state observations.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

A : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of sampled actions.

batch_update(self, S, A, Adv)

Update the policy on a batch of transitions.

S : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of state observations.

A : nd array, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of actions taken by the behavior policy.

Adv : 1d array, dtype: float, shape: [batch_size]

A value for the advantage \(\mathcal{A}(s,a) = q(s,a) - v(s)\). This might be sampled and/or estimated version of the true advantage.

losses : dict

A dict of losses/metrics, of type {name <str>: value <float>}.

dist_params(self, s, use_target_model=False)

Get the parameters of the (conditional) probability distribution \(\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

*params : tuple of arrays

The raw distribution parameters.

greedy(self, s, use_target_model=False)

Draw the greedy action, i.e. \(\arg\max_a\pi(a|s)\).

s : state observation

A single state observation.

use_target_model : bool, optional

Whether to use the target_model internally. If False (default), the predict_model is used.

a : action

A single action proposed under the current policy.

policy_loss_with_metrics(self, Adv, A=None)

This method constructs the policy loss as a scalar-valued Tensor, together with a dictionary of metrics (also scalars).

This method may be overridden to construct a custom policy loss and/or to change the accompanying metrics.

Adv : 1d Tensor, shape: [batch_size]

A batch of advantages.

A : nd Tensor, shape: [batch_size, …]

A batch of actions taken under the behavior policy. For some choices of policy loss, e.g. update_strategy='sac' this input is ignored.

loss, metrics : (Tensor, dict of Tensors)

The policy loss along with some metrics, which is a dict of type {name <str>: metric <Tensor>}. The loss and each of the metrics (dict values) are scalar Tensors, i.e. Tensors with ndim=0.

The loss is passed to a keras Model using train_model.add_loss(loss). Similarly, each metric in the metric dict is passed to the model using train_model.add_metric(metric, name=name, aggregation='mean').

sync_target_model(self, tau=1.0)

Synchronize the target model with the primary model.

tau : float between 0 and 1, optional

The amount of exponential smoothing to apply in the target update:

\[w_\text{target}\ \leftarrow\ (1 - \tau)\,w_\text{target} + \tau\,w_\text{primary}\]
update(self, s, a, advantage)

Update the policy.

s : state observation

A single state observation.

a : action

A single action.

advantage : float

A value for the advantage \(\mathcal{A}(s,a) = q(s,a) - v(s)\). This might be sampled and/or estimated version of the true advantage.